Working with forms

Fields and Widgets

If you use a ModelForm, you will automatically get an I18nFormField field for your internationalized fields with the default widget being either an I18nTextInput or an I18nTextarea being the default widget. But of course you can also use these fields manually as you would use any other field, even completely without touching models.

class i18nfield.forms.I18nFormField(*args, **kwargs)

The form field that is used by I18nCharField and I18nTextField. It makes use of Django’s MultiValueField mechanism to create one sub-field per available language.

It contains special treatment to make sure that a field marked as “required” is validated as “filled out correctly” if at least one translation is filled it. It is never required to fill in all of them. This has the drawback that the HTML property required is set on none of the fields as this would lead to irritating behaviour.

  • locales – An iterable of locale codes that the widget should render a field for. If omitted, fields will be rendered for all languages configured in settings.LANGUAGES.
  • require_all_fields – A boolean, if set to True field requires all translations to be given.
class i18nfield.forms.I18nTextInput(locales: List[str], field: django.forms.fields.Field, attrs=None)

The default form widget for I18nCharField. It makes use of Django’s MultiWidget mechanism and does some magic to save you time.

class i18nfield.forms.I18nTextarea(locales: List[str], field: django.forms.fields.Field, attrs=None)

The default form widget for I18nTextField. It makes use of Django’s MultiWidget mechanism and does some magic to save you time.

Widget styling

The form widget will output something similar to the following HTML sample:

<div class="i18n-form-group">
    <input class="form-control" id="id_name_0" lang="en"
           maxlength="200" name="name_0" placeholder="Name" title="en"
           type="text" value="">
    <input class="form-control" id="id_name_1" lang="de"
           maxlength="200" name="name_1" placeholder="Name" title="de"
           type="text" value="">

This alone provides no good indication to your user on which field resembles which language (except the title attribute that is visible on mouseover in most browsers). Also, it will render the input forms in a row by default, why we find it more understandable if they are arranged vertically.

You can achieve all this with a little bit of CSS. We can’t give you the full details, as we don’t know how you style form widgets in general in your project.

To indicate the language, we use the following CSS to draw a little flag at the beginning of the input field:

input[lang] {
  background: no-repeat 10px center;
  padding-left: 34px;
textarea[lang] {
  background: no-repeat 10px 10px;
  padding-left: 34px;
input[lang=de], textarea[lang=de] {
  background-image: url('/static/img/flags/de.png');
input[lang=en], textarea[lang=en] {
  background-image: url('/static/img/flags/en.png');

In pretix, this looks like this:


Advanced usage: Restrict the visible languages

Sometimes, you do not want to display fields for all languages every time. If you build a shopping platform, your platform might support tens or hundreds of languages, while a single shop only supports a few of them. In this case, the shop owner should not see input fields for languages that they don’t want to support.

As you can see above, I18nFormField has a constructor argument locales that takes a list of locales for this exact purpose. However, most of the time, your I18nFormField is defined in a way that does not allow you to pass a dynamic list there. Therefore, we provide a form base class that you can use for your ModelForm that also takes a locales constructor argument and passes it through to all its fields.

For the same reason, we provide formset base classes that add the locales argument to your formset class and pass it through to all fields.

class i18nfield.forms.I18nForm(*args, **kwargs)

This is a modified version of Django’s Form which differs from Form in only one way: The constructor takes one additional optional argument locales expecting a list of language codes. If given, this instance is used to select the visible languages in all I18nFormFields of the form. If not given, all languages from settings.LANGUAGES will be displayed.

Parameters:locales – A list of locales that should be displayed.
class i18nfield.forms.I18nModelForm(*args, **kwargs)

This is a modified version of Django’s ModelForm which differs from ModelForm in only one way: The constructor takes one additional optional argument locales expecting a list of language codes. If given, this instance is used to select the visible languages in all I18nFormFields of the form. If not given, all languages from settings.LANGUAGES will be displayed.

Parameters:locales – A list of locales that should be displayed.
class i18nfield.forms.I18nModelFormSet(*args, **kwargs)

This is equivalent to a normal BaseModelFormset, but cares for the special needs of I18nForms (see there for more information).

Parameters:locales – A list of locales that should be displayed.
class i18nfield.forms.I18nInlineFormSet(*args, **kwargs)

This is equivalent to a normal BaseInlineFormset, but cares for the special needs of I18nForms (see there for more information).

Parameters:locales – A list of locales that should be displayed.


As I18nFormField tries to pass this information down to the widget, this might fail if you use a custom widget class that does not inherit from our default widgets.